Effect of heating and shearing history on Changqing waxy crude oil condensation point 热历史和剪切历史对长庆含蜡原油凝点的影响
The condensation point is not the only basis for determining the allowable oil temperature at the inlet of heating station. 确定热油管道允许最低进站油温不宜仅用凝点作为选择依据。
A low condensation point sealing oil for dry gas receiver was formulated through a series of tests and experiments. 通过大量试验,研制了低凝型干式气柜密封油。
Based on the operation status quo of Northeast China oil pipelines, the rheology, condensation point of Daqing crude oil, and the feasibility to lower the incoming temperature have been analyzed. 根据东北输油管道的运行现状,对大庆原油的流变性、凝点以及降低进站油温的可行性等问题进行了分析。
The paper introduces the practicability research for the measurement of the condensation point of the crude oil by capacitance measurement. 介绍了基于原油介电常数随温度的变化与原油凝点之间存在的内在联系,测量原油凝点采用的电容法。
A fast clustering algorithm based on grid and density condensation point 一种基于网格和密度凝聚点的快速聚类算法
By linear regression, the relations of viscosity to condensation point, viscosity to blending ratio in the process of blending VGO1 with VGO2 were investigated to be linear. 利用线性回归的方法,考察了减一、减二线蜡油调合过程中粘度与凝点、粘度与调合比之间的关系。
The products of synthetic lubricant have low viscosity, low condensation point and high viscosity index. 合成油具有粘度低,凝点低,粘度指数高的优异特点。
The mechanism is that the depressant is surfactant, functioning as dispersing wax crystals, which delays the wax-crystal accumulation in gelled crude system containing wax-crystals, and by which jellification is delayed and condensation point is reduced. 究其机理,降凝剂是表面活性剂,起分散蜡晶的作用,在凝有蜡晶的原油凝胶体系中延缓蜡晶聚集,从而延缓胶凝,降低凝点。
Formulation and Application of Low Condensation Point Dry Gas Receiver Sealing Oil 低凝型干式气柜密封油的研制与应用
PCA-SVM-based Near-infrared Spectroscopy ( NIRS) Soft Sensing Method for Condensation Point of Diesel Fuel 基于PCA-SVM的柴油凝点近红外光谱软测量法
Tarting from the condensation point, sulfur content and viscosity of light diesel, the paper expounded different criterion of light diesel in different country and how to select the light diesel, which gives reference to equipment manager in operation of international project. 该文以轻柴油的冷凝点、硫含量、粘度等性能指标作为切入点,论述了轻柴油在不同国家的不同标准以及轻柴油的选择,以供国外项目施工中设备管理者参考。
The effects of reaction temperature, reaction time, composition of urea solution, ratio of urea to diesel, washing stage number and ratio of solvent to paraffin on the yield and quality of liquid paraffin and the condensation point of the dewaxed diesel were discussed. 考察了络合反应温度、反应时间、尿液组成、尿油比以及洗涤段数和洗油比对液蜡收率、液蜡质量和脱蜡油凝点的影响。
The process of producing polycarbonate from phosgene and bisphenol A through interfacial condensation is described from the engineering point of view. 从工程观点阐述由光气和双酚A经界面缩聚制聚碳酸酯的反应过程。
An incremental clustering algorithm based on extended condensation point and grid 基于扩展凝聚点和网格的增量聚类算法
Experimental results show that comparing with BP, SVM and PCA-BP, the proposed method offers higher precision, and is closer to the standard measuring result, so it fits online measurement of condensation point. 与BP、SVM及PCA-BP方法相比,实验结果表明所提方法具有更高的测量精度,且与标准方法测量的结果更为接近,因此适合柴油凝点的在线测量。
In this paper, the ignition point, flash point, viscosity, density, calorific value, condensation point of the combustible substance obtained from the living beings tar is analyzed, and it is proved that the combustible substance can be acted as the replacing diesel fuel. 本文通过对生物质焦油蒸馏后的可燃物的燃点、闪点、黏度、密度、热值、凝点的实验分析,得出了此可燃物可做发动机的代用燃料。
Study on yielding behavior of the waxy crude of Daqing Oilfield near condensation point 大庆原油凝点温度附近屈服特性研究
The six equivalent propositions of real number theory are Weierstrass condensation point theorem, Cauchy criterion for convergence, contract consecutive interval theorem, the existence theorem of supremum and infimum, monotone and boundedness theorem, and finite covering theorem. Weierstrass聚点定理、Cauchy收敛准则、区间套定理、确界存在定理、单调有界定理和有限复盖定理是实数理论的六个等价命题。
The experiment of testing the relative molecule quality by the improved condensation point reduction method is done, in which the instrument used is simple, no environment is polluted, operation is easy and quick and the experiment result conforms to the requirement for error. 用改进的凝固点降低法测相对分子质量的实验,仪器设备简单,无环境污染,操作简便,快捷,实验结果符合误差要求。
Content of potassium ion in the Kappa-Carrageenan directly influence on condensation point the strength and diffusion water of Carrageenan gel. 钾离子在K型卡拉胶中的含量直接影响凝胶强度及凝固点,并影响卡拉胶应用产品的泌水性。
The result shows that for the high condensation point and highly-viscous Sudanese crude oil, the oil viscosity is decreased greatly as the heating temperature is increased. 研究结果表明,对于高凝点、高粘度的苏丹混合原油,随着处理温度的升高,原油粘度降低幅度增大;
O-, p-percentage of active point in condensation reaction; reaction percentage of different active point s; 参与缩聚反应活性点中o位占据百分率、p占据百分率以及各个活性点参与反应百分率;
The effects of different factors on the end-product were studied, the results showed the acid content and the time of second condensation had effects mainly on the softening point of the resin; 研究了各种因素对最终产品的影响,结果表明:加酸量和二次缩合时间主要影响树脂软化点;
Influence of average carbon number on poly-olefin lube oil's viscosity index and condensation point 烯烃平均碳数对聚-α烯烃合成油粘度指数和凝点的影响
Crude oil from Xinjiang, with low wax and high gum asphaltene content, is a sour intermediate naphthenic base crude oil; it is a quality raw material from which low condensation point transformer oil and road petroleum asphalt are produced. 南充炼油化工总厂引进加工的新疆原油蜡含量低,胶质沥青质含量高,属含硫中间环烷基原油,是生产低凝点变压器油和道路石油沥青的优质原料;
On the maximum condensation point of the meromorphic functions satisfying algebraic differential equations in the unit circle 单位圆盘内一类亚纯代数体函数的最大型聚值点
In order to solve the high condensation point and high wax content during the delivery of petroleum crude, heat medium heater is used in delivering crude. 为解决高凝点、高含蜡石油原油运输的困难,热媒炉被使用于原油输送过程中。
Most of the crude oil produced by China is featured by its high viscosity, high wax content and high condensation point. 我国所产原油大部分为高粘度、高含蜡和高凝点的三高原油,其输运过程往往不能用等温输送的方法。